Human Development Academy [HuDA]


Islam is the only Dean (i.e. code of life) or religion ordained for mankind by Almighty Allah. Those who accept and follow Islam will get success Here and Hereafter. Islam is a complete way of life. It covers all the things people do in their lifetime. Islam teaches us the purpose of our creation, our final destiny and our place among other creatures. Quran is the constitution of Islam. It shows the best way to conduct our private and public affairs including social, political, economic, moral and spiritual activities. Therefore whoever studies the Quran comprehensively can understand and know the Allah. S/he will also come to know his/her duties and purpose of life. Such people can be expected to do good deeds to save themselves from the fire of Jahannam.

Nepal is a small country of about 30 million people. Most (80%) of them are Hindus. Muslims are third (after Hindus and Buddhists) big religion with a population of about 1.26 million (4.2%). Most (70%) Muslims reside in the southern plains called Terai. The reminder are scattered in the Mountains and Hills. The capital city Kathmandu has about 50 thousand Muslims inhabitants. 

Here in Nepal, a growing number of people these days feel attracted towards the truthfulness of Islam. They study, come to know the truth and finally accept it and become Muslim. Generally the educated young generations who have got any understanding on History and Religion realize that accepting Islam and following Allah’s (God’s) last messenger Muhammad (s.a.w.) is the only way to get success in both places Here and Hereafter. Islam has huge attraction for intellectuals also. In addition some expatriate Nepalese working in the Gulf countries are also rapidly reverting to Islam Alhamdulillah. The young generation of Nepal has also shown a great interest towards this religion. Before two three years changing religion was unlawful, but now Alhamdolillah after becoming a democratic country, hurdle in Dawah work removed. Although official data is not available to support the figure but it is assumed that more than 4,500 others and sisters accepted Islam within two years. According to our record 108 brothers and sisters accepted Islam in front of us in the year 2009 and 2010. Among them more than 60% were of aged below 30 years.

When a Non-Muslim accepts Islam, he/she has to face many problems. He/she has to struggle against his/her own original beliefs and culture at first and then against family, relatives and society. He/she is insulted and boycotted by family and society which is a very sensitive situation. In some cases even the Muslim society is unable to accept him/her in their fold due to ignorance. It is therefore necessary to set up a Centre which can manage and organize education as well as vocational and professional training for those reverted Muslims. This centre can also serve as hostel for them for a short period. It will be an incentive for them.

Almighty Allah has Indestructible power. He may do what He wants. Allah shows the right way to that people whom He want to keep in his kind lap. All the peoples are the creation of Almighty Allah that's why nobody will be away from his kindful protection and take care. Allah tests us by putting us in examinations and evil (satan) is always in our back to misguide and keep away from the way of Allah.

Reverted muslims easily be misguided if their faith is not strong. In most cases who accept Islam must sacrifice his/her family, society and even property. In this situation he/she need moral, social and economic support. Keeping this in mind a centre HuDA has been established in November 2009 in Bagbazar,Kathmandu in a rented house. It has rented 3 flats of a building for vocational training and shelter. More and more Nepalese are accepting Islam and more and more females are being homeless and helpless. Due to this, responsibility of HuDA is increasing. It is very difficult to operate different programs of HuDA in this small related flat. So that purchase a land is must essential to construct required building for shelter and Trainings. Many vocational trainings are proposed to operate for reverted and poor muslims to uplift their economic status through self employment. Employment generation as well as to make their aqida strong. Similarly,it has planned to provide more short-term shelter for reverted muslim males and females who are homeless and helpless. It is only possible if their is specious accomodation and class-rooms of its own. 

2.Goal :

To enhance the economic and spiritual status of 200 reverted Muslims of Nepal annually.


The specific objectives of this project are as follows:

3-1 To construct a building to provide short-term shelter for homeless and helpless reverted Muslim brothers and sisters.
3-2 To construct a building as a Vocational Training Center.
3-3 To construct a building for prayer and conference hall.
3-4 To make self employment through vocational and skill development training.
3-5 To provide short-term training for helpless and homeless reverted Muslims brothers and sisters.
3-6 To make reverted Muslims spiritually strong.
