If one studies the Bible and approach the subject objectively will be surprised to know that the established truths of the churches since centuries are preposterous, absurd and puerile false. For, which they are used. They must stand by their meaning direct and plain to be understood. That the original words in the Bible need not be rephrased, or hidden in group of words that convey different meaning. Remember that Almighty God (Allah), the Creator, is the Ultimate Truth: He is not the author of confusion.


One of the most striking prophecies in the Bible for the advent of Muhammad (pbuh) is found in the book of Psalm (110:1)
"The Lord says to my Lord: 'Sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool."
It is quoted in the Gospels of Matthew (22:44), Mark (12:36) and Luke (20:42). In most translated versions of the Bible in different languages, two name (Lords) are preceded by a capital letter "L" which implies that both were the same in all respects. Thus, "The Lord says to my Lord." According to this, if the first 'Lord' is God, then the second 'Lord' is also God. Nothing is more convenient as an argument for the Christian missionaries than to say: the speaker and the spoken to, are Gods. Therefore, according to it, David (pbuh) knew two Gods! But nothing is more illogical than this reasoning! Had Prophet David (pbuh) written, "The Lord said to my Lord", he would have made himself ridiculous, for then he would have admitted himself to be a slave of two Lords (Gods), without even mentioning their proper names. Further it would mean that David's second Lord had taken refuge with his first Lord. Now, you would understand how different writers manipulated the words in the Bible to convey different message to suit their beliefs.

Prophet David (pbuh), being the king was never a servant of any human being whatsoever during his time. It is unthinkable Abraham, Isaac or Jacob (pbuh) for whom the usual and reasonable term was "Father" or "Father Abraham". Equally inconceivable is that David (pbuh) would use the appellation "my Lord" for any of his descendants, for whom, too, the usual term would be "Son" and "my Son". Thus, if it was Jesus (pbuh) who was referred to as "my Lord", clearly Prophet David (pbuh) should have said: "The Lord said to”my Son”", because Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was his descendant, he could not say that he was his son.

Of course, the Pharisees (Jewish Rabbins) and commentators of the Old Testament understood "my Lord" to be the Messiah (Jesus) who would descend from David (pbuh) himself. Hence, they replied to the question put to them by Jesus (pbuh) as quoted in Mathew (22:41 and 42) and from the other Gospels. But, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) flatly repudiated the Jews when he asked them a second question in Mathew (22:43 – 45): He said to them, ”How is it then David, speaking by the spirit, calls him "Lord"? If then David calls him "Lord", how he can be his son?”

David's Lord

Indeed, there remains besides God, no other conceivable being who could be David's Lord, except the noblest and the highest human race. It is quite intelligible to assume that in the sight of God and by His mercy, there must be a man who is the noblest, the most praised and the most coveted of all men. Surely the seers and the prophets of old knew his holy personage.

The question of Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in Mathew (22:45) put the Jews into silence, for they could find no answer. Further, by his expression, certainly, he excluded himself from that title (my Lord). The second lord mention was neither Jesus (pbuh) nor was the second God. Furthermore, it becomes very decisive in that, it would awaken the Christians to place Jesus (pbuh) in his right status as the holy servant of God. They would renounce the extravagant character ascribed to him, much to his own disgust, someone to be worshipped or considered to be God. In the book of Mark (7:6-7), Jesus (pbuh) said: "This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men." It was because he wanted them to understand that he was not God or one to be worshipped. Besides, you cannot find on Jesus sayings "You worship me," instead, he asked people to worship God, the Creator.

One cannot imagine a teacher who seeing his pupils unable to answer his question, should keep silent, unless he is himself ignorant like them and is not able to give a solution. But Jesus (pbuh) was not ignorant or malevolent. The present Gospels of the churches do not report the answer of Jesus (pbuh) to their question, "Who was the Lord of David?"

The Last Prophet

It was less than 600 years after Prophet Jesus (pbuh), that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the last messenger of God and the seal of the prophets was sent to mankind. Thus, God's blessings of both branches of Abraham's family tree (Ishmael and Isaac) peace be upon them, was completed fulfilled.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who was sent as the last Prophet and messenger of God was not an Israelite, but he was an Ishmaelite who could not be the son of Prophet David (pbuh). David (pbuh) calls him "my Lord", in Psalm (110:1), "the Prince of peace and the wonderful counselor" in Isaiah (9:6), "the Prophet Moses" in Deuteronomy (18:18) and "that Prophet awaited by the Jews" according to the book of john (1:20-21). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was also the one referred to by Prophet Jesus (pbuh) as the "Counselor and the spirit of truth" who would come after him (e.g., in the Gospel of John, chapter 14, 15 and 16). In fact, Jesus (pbuh) was the "other counselor" and he had been awaiting for "another counselor", who would continue his unfinished mission and glorify him after he has gone away. This Prophet (pbuh) was a man like him, a prophet like him, a spirit of truth like him, and a Spirit or Holy Spirit with human flesh and bones.


I, therefore, conclude in all humanity and candor, with strongest beliefs that the overwhelming evidence found in the Bible prove conclusively, that the one referred to by Prophet David (pbuh) as "my Lord" was no other than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the fulfiller of the everlasting Covenant of Allah (God) made to Prophet Ishmael (pbuh), and the promise of God to Hagar (Ishmael's mother). Indeed, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the true and rightful inheritor of the Divine Legacy bestowed to the Ishmaelite (Arabs), being the brethren of the Israelites (Jews). He brought ISLAM (the religion of total submission, surrender and obedience to the Will of Allah) which confirm all previous Messages, and thenceforth, put on the shoulders of the Muslims to propagate to all mankind.

By: M.A.C. Cave
