Cherishing the Prophet and following his Sunnah - Part 1

At the beginning of every lecture, I usually have a persistent feeling, and I want to talk to you about it. I feel a great love towards the people of Al Bahrain. I feel as if I were in my home country, Egypt! Praise be to Allah for this warm reception and all this care from the “Organization of Youth and Sports affairs”. Thank you very much for inviting and receiving me. May Allah reward you. There is something else I want to talk about. You can’t imagine how dear to Allah are these assemblies that are undertaken only for his sake. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was at home while, at the same time, there was a group of companions sitting together in the mosque doing Dhikr (remembrance & supplication for Allah). Suddenly, the Prophet (SAWS) entered the mosque, looked at them and then asked them, “What made you sit here?” The question seemed a bit sceptical. They answered: “ We sat here doing Dhikr”. Then the Prophet (SAWS) said: “Are you sure this is the only reason behind your assembly?” The companions replied: “We swear this is the only reason”. The Prophet (SAWS) told them: “I didn’t ask you this question because I suspected you of anything, but because I was told that Allah is proud of you now and He is bragging about you in front of the angels!” So, dear brothers, be auspicious about this great meaning. Let’s think back on our intentions and be sure that we have come here only for the sake of Allah. For, if you have come for the sake of Allah, you will return with Allah’s pardon and reward.

There is another meaning I want to convey. It concerns the amount of people in this assembly. When I see such a large number of people gathering just for the sake of Allah, I tell myself: “Since all these people are here for Allah, so there is still hope for this nation. It is still alive. It isn’t dead yet! Please, do implant this hope deep in your children’s souls…As long as there are hearts that love Allah, there is hope…(If Allah wills).

Let’s now tackle our topic. This nation was born 1400 years ago with the birth of the beloved Muhammad (SAWS). We want this nation to bring back the vitality of this birth…so what can we do? I’ll tell you the story of our beloved Prophet (SAWS) alive and dead. You’ll feel how much hardship he faced in his life and how poignant was his death. I’m not going to tell this just for the sake of telling a story, but so that we might be aware of two major points:

1) We should leave this place loving the Prophet (SAWS) so strongly that we shed tears every time we cite him. This love is a part of our faith and it is a means in itself.

2) The Prophet’s (SAWS) Sunnah ought to be very dear to us. It also should be a model for us to follow.

That’s why all our talk is going to be about cherishing the Prophet (SAWS) and imitating him. Let your imagination flow while I’m talking about him, as if you are really seeing him, and ask Allah (The Almighty) to grant you His love. Before I begin, there are some points I want to stress. If we want to choose a particular person in history to imitate, each of us will find a person that suits him. But on the other hand, hundreds of people may not agree with our choice and may find him inappropriate. However, there is one person in this universe whose every attribute suits all the humans; The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). Why? Because Allah (SWT) gave him, during his 23-year mission, all of the information needed by each person on earth till the Last Day. Every situation or behaviour you meet in your life has a reference in the Prophet’s life. I hold myself completely responsible for what I say. Every single behaviour whether you are young, old, weak, strong, poor, or rich can be explained, reinforced or condemned by looking at the life of our Prophet (SAWS)…So that no one will have an excuse for not being able to follow the steps set down by the Prophet (SAWS).

No ones life contains all of the answers, not even in the lives of the other Prophets. For instance, we can follow the model of the Prophet Solomon (Solaiman) as a rich thankful person or as a just king. But can a needy poor person follow his model? Of course not, because these particular traits do not exist in his life! Neither a weak and defeated person, nor a nation who is in a position of weakness and defeat take him as a model! If we consider the life of Prophet Jesus /Eissa (AS), we can imitate him as an abstinent, perseverant young man free of sins. But, we can’t find the model of a father or grandfather in his life because he never married. So the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) is the only one whose life is a detailed reference to all the people. We can follow his model whether we are poor, rich, strong, weak, dominant, dominated, husband, husband to more than one spouse, marrying a divorced woman and taking care of her children. We can refer to him in the best and the worst moments of his life…when his wife and seven children died, in peace and war, in short, in all parts of his life!

We all have some hidden things in our lives not because they are illicit but because they are peculiarities such as relationships with our wives or material situation. The Prophet (SAWS) is the only person in the universe whose life is free of any underhandedness or secrets, because his life was meant to be a model. We know through his biography the way he used to treat his wife during her menstruation, or when he was fasting, how he used to wash with his wife, whether he used to kiss her or not, when and where he did this, we even know his financial situation alive and at his death. There is absolutely nothing hidden about his life, so why not follow his example?

This was the first goal behind this lecture. The second goal is that you love the Prophet (SAWS). But should this love be enthralling? To answer this question I’ll give you an example: One day, the Prophet (SAWS) was walking with some of his companions, among them was Omar Ibnul-Khattab (RA) who was known to be very vehement. The Prophet wanted to soften his heart, so he grasped his hand with an infinite affection. Omar was so affected by the sweetness of his grasp that he said with a loud voice, “I swear that I love you messenger of Allah!” The Prophet asked him, “Better than your household?”. Omar answered, “Yes, messenger of Allah” The Prophet asked him again, “Better than your children?” Omar answered again, “Yes, messenger of Allah”. The Prophet asked, “Better than your wealth? “ Omar replied, “Yes”. Then the Prophet (SAWS) asked, “Better than yourself?”. This time Omar replied: “No messenger of Allah!” Then the Prophet (SAWS) told him, “Your faith won’t be complete unless you love me better than yourself, your household, your wealth and your children!” The love for the Prophet shouldn’t take only 70% of our hearts but 100%. He must be the dearest person to our hearts after Allah! Omar’s son said that after this incident his father thought thoroughly about what the Prophet (SAWS) told him then went back to the Prophet (SAWS) and said in front of the companions: “I swear that you are dearer to me than myself “ The Prophet (SAWS) told him, “Now Omar, Now Omar.” That is, now your faith is complete! But how could such a thing happen? Did Omar have a complete control on his heart? Can anyone of us easily control his heart to make it love the Prophet best? Omar’s son was astonished at the fact that his father could so easily change his heart! So he asked his father about this and his father replied, “I asked myself, who do you need most, Omar, yourself or the Prophet (SAWS)? I found out that I was aberrant and the Prophet (SAWS) guided me to the right path. I also thought that I won’t reach higher ranks in paradise unless I love him profoundly. So, I have found out that he is more useful to me than myself! That’s why, now, I love him more than myself!”

Now, I want to summarize for you the events of 23 years in the life of the Prophet, which represent the period of his mission as a messenger of Allah. I want you to feel while reading his biography afterwards that you are familiar with every step of his life! This will help you learn by heart his biography, which is one of the steps that will make you love him. For how can you love someone without knowing him thoroughly? As you read his story, you’ll be affected to the point of tears and for sure you’ll tell it to your children. You’ll love him more and more… What I’m trying to do now is to give you an introduction that will make you eager to read more about him in Seerah books. I’ll end my lecture by talking about his death. This will make you love him even stronger. You’ll see how in the last moments of his life, he was talking about us -who will come after him- and about his companions!! You see how much he loves us!

His mission started when he was 40. Before that, he spent ten years meditating in the cave of Hira’ which was in a rough place that even a youngster couldn’t climb! From there, he had a panoramic view where he could see Al-Ka’ba. The Prophet used to worship Allah there but at that time there was neither prayer nor fasting yet. He used to practice a worship that has, unfortunately disappeared now. This was meditating in Allah’s (SWT) creation. He used to look at the sky, at the earth contemplating and speculating about them! He worshipped Allah that way for months and years, which prepared him for Prophethood. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “We indeed revealed this (message) in the Night of Power” (TMQ, 97:1)1. So, one night, in this uneven, desolate and frightening place truth came upon him. There came to him the angel covering the horizon and said, “Mohammad, you are Allah’s messenger and I am Gabriel (Jibreel)”. Then he said: “Recite“ The Prophet replied, ‘“I am not lettered”. He took hold of me (the Messenger said) and embraced me so hard; thereafter he let me go and said, “Recite”. I said, “I am not lettered”. He then again took hold of me and embraced me for the second time till I was so hard pressed and then let me go and said, “Recite”, to which I replied, “I am not lettered”. He took hold of me and embraced me for the third time, till I was hard pressed and then let me go and said what can be translated as, “Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists), Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood) Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who has taught (the writing) by the pen (the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch)) Has taught man that which he knew not” (TMQ, 96:1-5). Then, the angeldisappeared, the Prophet says, “I returned home with a trembling heart”.

Why was the beginning so powerful? Why was it vigorous and frightening? Because this was the same for all the Prophets. Allah (SWT) wanted to make it obvious for His Messenger (SAWS) that he was about to tackle a serious project; saving humanity for the day of judgement. I want to convey this meaning to you. The Messenger’s life is a message for us. We are responsible of saving humanity that’s why we have to take Islam seriously. This religion should be very dear to you, your nation ought to also be very dear to you. Be concerned about your country and help it be revived. We ought to be more serious in all the matters of our lives. In studying, at work, even in sports. That’s why the beginning was so vigorous. Allah (SWT) wanted His Messenger (SAWS) to take things seriously. From that time forward he took things very seriously. During the day calling people to Allah and at night standing in adoration and prayer! Let’s imitate him! Let’s work hard during the day not only for the sake of money but also for the welfare and glory of our nation. We have to be a model for others so that they may see us as successful religious people. And at night, we must pray.

The Prophet (SAWS) kept this rhythm all his life; he was unaccustomed to sleeping a lot. His wife, Khadijah, told him one day, “Don’t you sleep for a while, Messenger of Allah?” He replied, “There is no more time for sleep, Khadijah!” The worldly life is for hard work in order to receive the higher ranks in paradise. If we go back to the Qur’an we find that Allah is addressing the Prophet (SAWS) saying what can be translated as, “O thou folded in garments! Stand (to pray) by night.” (TMQ, 73:1-2) In Surat Al Muddathir, Allah says what can be translated as, “O thou wrapped up (in the mantle)! Arise.” (TMQ, 74:1-2) In Surat Al-inchirah Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, “Therefore, when thou art free (from thine immediate task), still labour hard!” (TMQ, 94:7) The whole Qur’an supports this same meaning. We have to tell our mothers, daughters, youngsters…be useful to your countries. Work hard and try to succeed. We hope to have in our countries successful sport champion or universally distinguished women. There is no rest in this worldly life. Rest is in paradise only. Imam Ibn-Hanbal was asked when a person would rest, he answered when he put the first step in paradise and not before that. I want to tell people who want to relax in this life that they don’t grasp the goal behind life. It is a world of affliction and toil. Rest and happiness are in paradise with the Prophet (SAWS) and the companions under the shadow of Allah’s (SWT) throne. The Prophet (SAWS) continued performing enormous tasks! Then Allah (SWT) sent him in Surat Al-Kahf the following verse, translated as, “Thou wouldst only, perchance, fret thyself to death, following after them” (TMQ, 18: 6) as if Allah was telling him, “Take it easy!”

The Prophet pursued his call to Allah secretly for three years; the number of Muslims reached 40. (Now we are one billion six hundred thousand Muslims and we say it’s no use doing anything!!). The first four people to follow him were; a woman, a child, a slave and a friend of his. The first to have embraced Islam and prostrate before Allah (make Sujud) was a woman - which is a reference to the importance of women. Then, it was a child aged 7 or 10 years old - so don’t neglect the role of children and youngsters. The third one was a slave - so as not to underestimate anyone thinking he might be in a lesser level than you. The fourth was a friend - so be always ready to get involved in strong friendships and social relationships. Why these particular people? Perhaps to mean that Islam requires these four categories of people…so how was prayer (Salat) performed? The Prophet used to pray with Abou Bakr and Ali Ibn Abu-Taleb on his side and behind them Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with them all).

Then secrecy was over when Allah (The almighty) sent down to his messenger what can be translated as, “Therefore expound openly what thou art commanded” (TMQ, 15:94). The Prophet (SAWS) obeyed Allah and went announcing Islam to all the people. He climbed mount As-Safa and started calling the tribes by their names. Once gathered, he told them, “If I tell you that an immense army is behind this small mountain ready to attack you, will you believe me?” They replied, “You never lied, so we will believe you” Then he said with strength and pride, “I am warning you against a rigorous chastisement..” Then the persecution started and the Prophet (SAWS) endured great hardships. He made all these sacrifices so that we could be tied to Allah through this magnificent religion! I’ll tell you about some of these painful incidents so your heart may be moved and you love him.

One day the Prophet (SAWS) was praying at Al-Ka’ba when came to him Oukba Ibn Abu-Maiss - he was known by his enmity to him. He took off his gown, entwined it and rolled it around the messenger’s neck in an attempt to strangle him! As a result of this he fell to his knees. Another day while he was prostrating in his prayer at Al-Ka’ba again, “It is narrated by Abdullah, that while the Prophet was prostrating, surrounded by some of Quraish, 'Uqba bin Abi Mu'ait brought the intestines (i.e. abdominal contents) of a camel and put them over the back of the Prophet. The Prophet did not raise his head, (till) Fatima, came and took it off his back and cursed the one who had done the harm. The Prophet said, "O Allah! Destroy the chiefs of Quraish, Abu Jahl bin Hisham, 'Utba bin Rabi'al, Shaba bin Rabi'a, Umaiya bin Khalaf or Ubai bin Khalaf."

After that and while he was crossing the road in Makkah, one of the Qurayshis poured a whole bag full of sand on him. He went back home with all his body filled with sand. When his daughters saw him they started cleaning his body and crying. He told them, “Don’t cry, Allah will preserve me! “ . They even nicknamed him “Mudamman”( i.e.: Ugly) making fun of him and insulting him while the companions wept. The Prophet told them comforting them, “Don’t worry, they are insulting “Mudamman” and I’m Muhammad!” Imagine that all this happened to him for our sake!

The persecution lasted for 10 years not only for the Prophet but for the companions as well. A woman named Mahdia lost her sight. Another woman named Soumaia died. [Again the first to be afflicted are women as if Allah wants to send us a message saying that women are very important because they represent half of the society and it’s them who bring up the second half! So if they are righteous, we will all be so]. The Prophet (SAWS) and his companions endured all this hardship with great perseverance and resistance. But why all this happened to them and to the beloved Messenger (SAWS)? Again, this is a message. If all this happened to them and they resisted, why can’t you lower your gaze? Why don’t you avoid sins? Or perform dawn prayer? If Soumaia was killed for the sake of Islam, why don’t you women put the veil on? If Mahdia lost her sight for Islam why don’t you want to worship Allah? Can you imagine all what they endured so that we would be Muslims? And we still don’t want to do anything at all. Why can’t we be faithful to these people?

The persecution went on for ten years till Quraysh found out that it was no use and that they were still resisting, so they decided to try a new method. They started negotiations or rather bargaining with the Prophet (SAWS)! They told him, “If you want to be rich we’ll gather you all the wealth you want and you’ll become the richest of us all, but let this religion go. If you want to become a president or a king, we’ll appoint you and everyone will be consulting you before doing anything! And if you want to get married we’ll marry you to the most beautiful girl here.” The Prophet (SAWS) quite politely listened to all what Abou Al-Walid told him without interrupting him until he finished. Then he asked him, “Have you finished? “ Abou Al-Walid answered, “Yes!” Then, the Prophet asked, “Will you listen to me now?” You see how polite and elevated he was! The Prophet (SAWS) answered him by telling Surat Fussilat [Explained in Detail]. He read it till he reached the following verse, translated as, “But if they turn away, say thou: "I have warned you of a stunning Punishment (as of thunder and lightning) like that which (overtook) the 'Ad and the Thamud!" (TMQ, 41:13).

The man was so affected and afraid from these magnificently uttered words that he put his hand on the Prophet’s mouth and begged him to stop. They failed again to turn his mind aside from his religion. So, they asked his uncle Abou Taleb to intervene and make his nephew keep silent. Abu Taleb calmed them down by promising to do his best. At first, he did nothing to stop him. They came back to him again and again bringing pressure to bear on him until he was unable to defend him anymore! At last, he went to see the Prophet (SAWS) and told him sadly but firmly, “ I’ve always defended you but now I can’t do it anymore! Renounce all of this.” The only person who was on his side had let him down!! The Prophet (SAWS) answered crying, “I swear that even if they put the sun on my left and the moon on my right, I won’t stop until Allah set this religion forth or I die for it’s sake!” As a last resort, they enclosed the Prophet (SAWS) and his companions in a place called Bani Taleb reefs. It was a desert place lacking in water and food. They didn’t find anything to eat so they were obliged to eat plants and the leaves of trees to survive! As a result, their excrement became the same as those of cattle! They excepted Khadijah to come from this blockade but she  refused and insisted on being with the Prophet (SAWS). Unfortunately, she died shortly there after not being able to survive all of that suffering. They endured all this for the sake of Islam and we sometimes stop fasting Mondays and Thursdays because it’s a bit hot! The situation the Prophet and his companions were in lasted three years in vain.

Let’s go back to the Prophet (SAWS). We are now in the tenth year of the Prophet’s mission and with all the suffering they endured there was something even more painful to him: The death of the most beloved people to his heart in the same month…his wife Khadijah - the comforting shoulder and his uncle Abou Taleb-who used to protect him from Quraysh’s persecution.

