Millat-E-Islamiya Nepal

Millat-e-Islamiya Nepal (MIN) is one of the oldest Islamic organizations of Nepal. Its history goes back to early seventies when some Muslim youths, Islamic scholars and the elders of the society assembled together and decided to form an organization in order to spread the message of Islam. As a result an organization called Jamiat Millat-E-Islamiya came into being. In course of time and with cooperation from the Saudi Embassy in Bangladesh it purchased a building in the heart of Kathmandu on the King's way and established its offices as well a library there. The same building houses offices of most organizations of Islamic Movement till date including Islami Sangh Nepal, Al-Hira Educational Society and Students' Education Foundation etc. The organization is registered with the government of Nepal as an NGO.

Current office bearers

President: Dr. Imran Ansari
Vice President: Mohammad Asad Miyan
Secretary: Ataullah Khan


1. Library:
There are several small libraries with Islamic books in the Terai, the southern region of the country. These libraries can hardly be counted as resource center for any person, Muslim or non-Muslim, who wants Islamic literature on varied topics and in different languages either for learning Islam or for research purpose. In Kathmandu even such a miniscule library did not exist. In this background the establishment of an Islamic library by MIN holds great significance. At present the library has more than 10,000 books in Urdu, English, Hindi, Nepali and Arabic. The vision is to develop it into a research center with addition of books in different languages as also collection of audiovisual materials on different Islamic concepts and subjects.

2. Qur'anic classes:
In Kathmandu the literacy rate among Muslims is very poor. Many parents don't send their children to school. Most of those who do attend school drop out of it before or shortly after matriculation. Those children who attend school have no facility to learn Qur'an there. Only some parents care to keep private tutors at home to teach the Holy book to their children. Many cannot afford to spend extra money on this even if they wished. Considering this situation the MIN has started Qur'anic classes wherein a teacher appointed by the organization goes to the homes of the willing children to teach them Qur'an. At present such classes are running in three different locations in the city and 30 students are benefiting from it. We are planning to expand the programme in future.

3. Social service:
With the limited resources at its disposable, MIN has been providing financial assistance to sick, widows and other needy people.

4. Clinic:
In cooperation with the Graduates' Association of IDB (Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah) scholars in Nepal (GAIN), the MIN is running a clinic for poor people in its premises in Kathmandu. GAIN is providing the manpower and the MIN the space and the funds for the clinic. It works six days a week and is open for all, Muslims as well as non-Muslims. Service to the humanity as well as Da'wah is the objective of this clinic. Patients are provided consultation and medicines at a very low cost.

5. Cooperation with other organizations :
MIN is cooperating with Islami Sangh, Al-Hira Educational Society and Students' Education Foundation by providing them space for their offices in its own building.

Future programmes

For the new 5-year session (2006 - 2010) the MIN has chalked out a program to help a particularly disadvantaged group of the society - the widowed ladies. The organization is planning to start 'self - help' schemes for them by arranging training programs like sewing clothes and also buying sewing machines for them.
With time and resources other disadvantaged, and neglected groups like the street children will also be included in similar self - help schemes insha Allah.

The organization owns space in the heart of the city but the present structure is not the best planned. As a consequence much place and value is lost. With the availability of funds the MIN plans to build a better complex on its land after dismantling the present structure. It will provide more space for different organizations stationed here, as also the commercial gain by lending the rooms out will be more substantial, which will be utilized to further expand the activities and services of the organization insha Allah.

Contact address:

Millat-E-Islamiya Nepal

P. O. Box No. 13436
King's Way, Kathmandu, Nepal

Tel: 00977-1-4241017


Web Site: