National Muslim Forum Nepal

National Muslim Forum Nepal is an Umbrella Organization of Muslim led development organization/ NGOs in Nepal. It was established in September 2004 as an Islamic Federation by uniting local NGOs of Muslim from different districts. Islami Sangh Nepal came forward and took initiative to assemble Muslim scholars, intellectuals, leaders and social workers at one platform to discuss review and analyzed the need to form an organization for advocacy for Nepalese Muslims.
It was a horrible day for Muslims all over Nepal when mischievous elements created havoc and terror among Muslims then in a planned way on 1st September 2004 Nepalese were victimized for the guilt they had not committed. It was bloody revenge of an accident when Iraqi extremist slaughtered 12 Nepalese in Iraq, it was pre-planned conspiracy to shake religious tolerance prevailing in Nepal by foreign elements. 1st September 2004 is printed as BLACK DAY in Nepalese history for Muslim Community.
Muslim became hopeless and scattered when government and Nepal police remained silence ever after serious damage were done. It compelled Nepalese Muslim to sit together and seek long lasting solution. On September 26, 2004 fifty five Muslim personalities from all the sections and corner were invited.They sat in Asoka hotel, Bagabazar, Kathmandu. They came to conclusion to set up an Umbrella Organization on legal basis. 17 members committee was formed to implement action plan made by general body. A 9 member committee was formed to formulate constitution and make organization registered. After a long exercise and effort National Muslim Forum Nepal came into existence institution on 7th June, 2005.

Aims and Objectives:

» Capacity building of Muslim Youth to be able to participate in mainstream of National life.
» To create and equitable society through right based approach with collaborative efforts.
» To encourage Muslim for their active participation in Political parties.
» To Uplift Muslim community up to standard by promoting and protecting their socio-economic and cultural interest.
» To provide a vehicle or to become a medium for Muslim Community to forward Muslim issues and problems to govern system and consecutive pervasion for the solutions.
» Create linkage and provide network to all Muslim institutions and civil societies.

Organization Chart:

Structure of organization according to the Constitution:-

» The General Assembly: It is the largest body consisting all the 55 founder members, Ordinary members and Lifelong members as mentioned in the Constitution.
» The Executive Committee: It comprise of Chairman, Vice-chairman, General Secretary, Secretaries, Treasure, Spoke Person and 13 other members according to Constitution.
» Working Committee: It is a small nucleus body based on 9 members to perform day to day activities on behalf of Executive Committee.


» It is a purely socio-cultural organization without being affiliated to any political parties or having adherence to any political parties.
» In special circumstances, it can deal with political issues related to Muslim Community.
» Muslim from all the corners of Nepal, from East to West from Terai to Hill and from all districts adhere to it.
» The post holders and members of this association belongs to all Muslim sects of Nepal.
» various professionals are also represented here.