Bonds of Brotherhood in Qur'an

In surah Shu’ara (26), Allah ta’ala mentions the stories of many Prophets, and He says: "When their brother Nuh (alayhis salaam) said to them" and this format repeats for Saalih, Lut and Hud (alayhum assalaam).

Whenever a nation is mentioned, Allah says "their brother" about the Prophet. However, when Allah ta’ala mentions Shu’ayb alayhis salaam, He says: "When Shu’ayb (alayhi salaam) said to them" . (26:177)

Why do the other Prophets receive “their brother”, and Shu’ayb (alayhis salaam) does not?

We even see in another surah, Allah says: "And to Madyan, their brother Shu’ayb" (7:85). Allah mentions ‘their brother’ in this ayah.

To understand this, we need to look at the city of Madyan itself. There are two names of Madyan in the Qur’an: the first one is Madyan and the second one is Ashaabul Aykah (companions of the tree). Aykah refers to a giant tree that they used to worship. So, when it comes to location, the city is referred to as Madyan. When it comes to the people, the city is referred to as Ashaabul Aykah.

How does Allah ta’ala refer to them in Surah Shu’ara, where “their brother” is not mentioned? He says: "Ashaabul Aykah denied the messengers." (26:176)

When Allah ta’ala mentions the location (such as 7:85), He ta’ala says "their brother". When it comes to their religious identity, Allah ta’ala does not say "their brother" only Shu’ayb. When it comes to the location, Shu’ayb alayhis salaam is their brother. But when it comes to the religion, they are not brothers even though they have the same blood line, the same citizenship, the same identity and the same geographical location.

The precision of the Qur’an, SubhanAllah!!!
